Sunday, October 18, 2009

What would a lian do?

Okay, so this post is gonna be more informal ^_______^ and crazy
Isn't it nice to see liannies all around? On the bus, in school, in malls and even in your underwear? (Oh, I don't know).

How will a lian react when she gets into a car crash and survive?
A. She starts screaming and call all her gan di, gan kor, gan whatever-insert-shit-name-here to murder the dude who crashed into them. The nerve!

How will a lian react if she got dumped?
A. First 1min: omigoddzx howxzx he dumpped miie leiii . iie wannnaxzx diexxzx liaooxzxz. iie will neberxz wannt tuu fall iinzx lurbbes agaiin .
Next minute: -sees a guy- omigawd hiie's shoo haut ! iie tynkk iie wanna go jio hiim (or whatever word you like)

How does a lian react to bad results?
A. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE waiii??? iie thoughhhtzxz iie damnned smarted? farkkk laaaaaaaaaaa. aiiyah nebbermindxcx...gud results 4 wut...nort liiekk iie wannna biie a lawyyersxz or summethinng. iie go enjoy liife betterr with mmy gan (insert shit name). wharts e poiint of studying stiiell?

END OF RANDOMNESS. Sugar high from durian cakes

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