at aalteam2, we'll only say things which are backed up by evidence. We do not draw castles in the air or accuse people of stealing undies when they did not. (/random)
Anyway. This has been an awful long week! Gosh. Ever since school started. The days were so, so long. But I got through them without falling asleep in class! And being the average nerd, I made sure I wore huge glasses and a super long skirt to school. Righht.
Anyway, here's a convo I heard in the toilet one fine day...
ah lian: Oh my god! miie lyffe ishh ruiin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waii gort saucee!! fark la! now my shiirt gort stainn! EEE! iie wanna throw itxz awayxzxz!!!
(for people who are twit illiterate: oh my god! my life is ruined! why is there sauce! fuck la! now my shirt has a stain. eee! I want to throw it away!(the shirt) )
al's friend: oii euu siao ar? throw away? tat one new one euu noe?! can wash! (oi, are you nuts? throw it away? that shirt is new, you know?)
ah lian: so whatxz!?! it's all dirty! wash gort use mehhxx? (so what? it's all dirty. as if washing it has any use!)
and the rest was whining.
Okay. So, uh. Do ah lians throw their brand new school shirts away just because they have a incy bit of stain. It was tiny; I saw it. I barely did.
So. This proves it.
1) ah lians waste money, or are filthy rich
2) they care about their looks sooooooooooooooo much.
3)they contribute to global warming. yes they do, by throwing things away unnecessarily.
not very interesting. MOT and the original AAL were good, this is just.. idk. some of your ideas abt ahlians are so wrong.
Wellllllll, sorry to disappoint you I guess. "about ah lians are so wrong," what about them? Perhaps you thought they were cute little fairy angels? Anyway, every site will have their own perception of lians...we're not clones.
That's all for the daily rambles. I swear.
And uh, yeah. Nothing much fun atm.
Perhaps I will draw ah lian jokes..? (in the future) hahaha.
Hi, do update! It's too boring down under!
I don't agree with all of your views, but this blog's a good source of entertainment. Yes, I'm too shallow for my own good.
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