Monday, March 30, 2009

Example of what not to say when mourning

R.I.P .


Everyone, it's not a prank so stop calling me to ask me if I'm kidding.
I'm not an ass to carry out such pranks.
Anyone who knows her, and wants to attend her wake.
Inform me asap 'cause we're gonna burn her body @ $&*!am this saturday.


XXX and I went to look at your corpse this morning at the hospital and we cried so badly.

It so saddening to see her boyfriend looking at his girlfriend in the coffin :l

*Has been edited. These words of solemnities(of sort) does not belong to AAL TEAM2. We are showing you examples of blatant errors in English.

Hello everyone! Today, we're on the topic of what NOT to write when you're sadden by a loved one's departure. Despite the author's attempt to say that it is very sorrowful during this period, it makes it very hard to think that she wasn't making a joke. Aside from this, if this were real, I am sorry and shall send my condolences to the affected family. (like seriously, I have to magnify this cause certain people can't tell the difference between "This IS a joke" and "Makes me FEEL like it is a joke")

This is not a cynical response to the attempting-to-be-solemn post. The aim of this topic is to tell you guys to not ruin future...sad events.
U: I am so sorry for what has happened. When are you burning the corpse?
Family of the deceased: =.= say vut?

You know, it's like someone asking you when you're dead "Yo, when you getting BURNED! You're just a corpse in the coffin! I am your best/good/whatever friend/family/whatever and that's why I am caring!"

Instead of corpse, politely use "BODY"
Instead of "burn" use "CREMATED"

Like, seriously. BURNED? CORPSE? You changed the entire atmosphere!
So people, language is quite important.
shoxzx peepps, pl0x duu n0rt us3 baddxz engriush orkaexzx?

iie unnderstanndxzx thart it ishh yurr waiie uff sayinqq thart euu cann typpe guddxz engruish, butttxz n0rt liddat lah, hor.
Wow, I used two Singlish words in one sentence!


Jocelyn : Attention seeker. Put your photo and let us see how guai you look? hah.

By doing all this youre being childish! Are being bullied by REAL AHLIAN? Please respect other people if not no one will respect you!!"

Your post " Liannies, we won't get sued! " You said you grabbed their photo they are Ah Lians. How you know they are Ah Lians? You know them?

Umm FYI, you calling us an attention seeker is clearly a malapropism. Look who are the ones who post photos of themselves going "iiee amm shoxzxz loneliie." "iie wannt tuu diie" "iie n0rt pwettiie" while doing 'sexy' poses.

By the way, your definition of 'guai' is another ah lian phrase. Guai kia and all those whatnot misuse of dialect. I am not guai, kid. Don't ever think I am. Rather, I am not lewd or ill bred like those vulgar lians.

I am being childish? Yeah, perhaps I am. So why are you wasting time talking to a childish kid again? And no, I wasn't bullied by lians. I am quite sure one who do not find certain trends of people very likeable is not one who has been bullied. There is just no clear link or evidence. Don't jump the gun, kay?

Speaking of respect, have you actually respected anyone? ANYONE? I doubt it. I respect people who are worthy of respect. And loud lewd girls just isn't one of them.

Okay, how do you know what a snob is by looking at their profile? By the manner they write, the way they posted their pictures, etc! You do the math.

{♥} Aricia™well, im angela's gan mummy, but then . using in a harsh way cant sloves anything here, u all are proving this blog owner that he/she is right. but, staying claim and try talking the owner, prove him/her wrong . don be so harsh :) wells, we cant stop u from posting or what so ever . but one thing , angela is NOT a ahlian, we are jus having arts in whatever we did. but not a sign of being a ahlian :) so i hope u can respect her . but others i got nothing to say. :)

Well, I would like to applaud you for speaking rationally. That is the first step in communicating with us :)
Okay, so perhaps some of these lians we've shown aren't really lians. We did NOT say that they are 100% lian. We just say that at that point in time, their words, their pictures, SUGGESTS that they are lians.
Well, which picture supposedly belongs to 'angela'? Perhaps you can tell us and I'll see what I can do about it.
And no, how is it 'arts'? Using aalteam's words "Last time I heard, messy bed was an art" Lianism is not an art. Like, eww.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Living in Harmony with Lians

Hoho. So it's come to the topic of, how do we deal with Lians in daily life.
Simply put, our pledge says "regardless of race, language or religion".
For one, Lians aren't a race, thankfully.
Secondly, twiting is not a recognised language.
Religion? Please, don't go there. Lianism is hardly a religion.

Frankly, this blog is not aimed to cause hatred amongst people. Simply put, I do not rage wars with ah lians in real life. E.g start a riot or something. I would try to make friends with them...first, until perhaps it reaches a point whereby there is no room for friendship, and I would ignore them!

We, the AAL Team2, is not here to annihilate a group of people based on likes and dislikes. Just because we do not like lians, does not mean that we are out to vapourise them all like some maniac dictator as seen in the history of mankind.

Our blog is dedicated to showing people how others make mistake in their English, the dos and don'ts in society.

We are peaceful!

[/end of ranting]


SHIMIN: you guys are childish man. you think much people will pay attention to yr freaking lil' blog? -.= oh please. get a life. stop hiding behind that pathetic computer of yrs doing nonsense stuffs & clogging up the internet. =.= btw, to the anti twitter piece of ****, wake up, don't be so dumb & childish -.=''' [b]losers[/b[

Sorry, but LOLOLOLOLOL! Childish? Goodness. You're the person who's looking at this 'freaking lil' blog'. Eesh.
Yes, I'm aware that I need a new life for mine just expired. Yeah, you wish.
If anti twitter were a piece of shit, you must be just a minuscule atom that decomposes at room temperature.
By the way, if our blog is clogging up the net, whart duu euu thynk orff yurr bloggszxz? They take up even more of the net with some badly de-improvised version of English.
That's the first time I've seen someone doing a code wrongly...and in a tagbox. Gosh.

Liannies, we won't get sued!

Hello peeps! Its me, the great Zee Anti Twit!

Firstly, there has been an uproarious commotion about the origin and usage of anti-ah lian blogs such as this one. I have taken some time to provide some information on Singapore law regarding this matter.

Now, look at subsection (1) of section 3 of the Sedition law in Singapore.

“3. (1) A seditious tendency is a tendency
(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government;
(b) to excite the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore to attempt to procure in Singapore, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;
(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Singapore;
(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore;
(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore.”

As you can see, there is no part of that states what we are doing is against the law of Singapore. Although (d) states that raising discontent or disaffection amongst citizens of Singapore is a seditious tendency, we are not targeting only fellow Singaporeans, because Ah Lians are not only from Singapore. They can appear anywhere in the world, though most cluster around the southeast region of Asia. In addition, the definition of the word “Ah Lian” is not clear, and thus the people in which we are commenting about cannot be defined exactly. In fact, I think that the Liannies themselves were the ones who caused disharmony at first.

With respect to cyberbullying due to posting other people’s pictures, we have used digital modification of our subject’s faces to prevent them from being recognised. We are doing this to protect the rights of the Ah Lians, who are also living organisms like us (talk about twit rights activists?). Ever since the closure of TTT, I think that we are certainly more careful on our posts. If I’m not wrong, a Liannie whose pictures were posted in the TTT blog wanted to sue them, but was unsuccessful.

Here are some tags made by the Liannies =)

YUNNLE said:
Oi u use my friend picture for wht ? Fk u laa , wht aalteam u think u who anyhow grab ppl photo and all . lame laa ! Shameless sial

Firstly, we grab their photos because they are Ah Lians. They are examples we use to allow our readers to know what we are talking about. It is said that “a picture paints a thousand words”. By using pictures, we can allow our readers to grasp what we are trying to say. By the way, we are aalteam2, not aalteam. These are two different blogs with the same goal. Oh yes, you just said that we posted your friend’s photo. Oh well, Liannies like you seem to know each other really well, to such an extent that any random Lian is your friend -_-. I wonder who the lame person here is. Why are all the arguments given by the Ah Lians similar? I think that with your pea-sized brains, you can’t generate to many thoughts is one go.

SEIKA said:

YO YUNNLE,SCOLD THIS PEOPLE. lols -.-' w/e i got tio this before , haha ! laugh at this people , imposing themself , look ! more lame peep(s) are entering singapore ! D: crys , well , the 1st thing i wanna ask these people , do they look like lian ? 2nd ; even if they are , whye are you kpoing so much ? mind ur own business ._.

With your appalling English, I simply cannot grasp what you are saying. But, I understand the part “do they look like lian”. The answer is, we don’t. If we are, we would not be as stupid as to comment about our looks. If you want me to describe myself, I can tell you that I wear really simple clothes, with no piercing or tattoos whatsoever. We are minding our own business. The reason we hate twits like you is because you cause light, sound, air, and land pollution. Light pollution is when you let us look at your disgusting bodies and indecent clothes etc, sound pollution when you rattle so much vulgarities in public places, air pollution with your bad breath and thick perfume, land pollution when you dump the used makeup shité.

Anti Twit said:
“Woah,you guys are harsh ain't cha? All you have to do is pick up some random stranger and speat **** about them? You're suppose to be a anti ahlian team,not to pick on people you think are ahlian. Since you've a brain larger than pea size,you should know you can get sue for this. There's no freedom of speech yo,this ain't the states. No offense,but it ain't right doing this.”

We aren’t harsh. We are doing this for the good of mankind. Through the use of blogs to spread the dangers of Ah Lians and Lianism, we allow the decrease of the appearance of Ah Lians. The numbers are increasing, but we cannot let this happen. Imagine if one day the world is taken over by Ah Lians. It would definitely be a hostile place to live in. There would be chaos, and mankind will meet its doom. Therefore, we must prevent this from happening, and it starts as anti-ahlian teams like ours. One day, the world will be perfect and people like twits shall cease to exist.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A search on Google

Hi. It’s me, Zee Anti Twit, with my first post in aalteam2!

I have just gone to Google and typed in “aalteam2” in the search bar. Boy there were 17 results. Most of them were blogs that were owned either Anti Ah lians by liannies themselves. Of course, the comments by the twits are always imbecilic. Well, what can you expect from unevolved beasts of nature? -_-

Okay, let’s now look at an extract from a Liannie’s blog. Apparently, some pictures that we posted here were by that twit. The blog post URL is this - This post was made as a reply to this post

Here was what the Liannie said:
See see, if this even made sense. Piercings means ahlian? :( .

Have we ever said that having piercings make one an Ah Lian? I believe that most females have piercings on their ears, too. However, what we did say and would like to emphasize is that Ah Lians misuse piercings to such an extent that is can be compared to self-mutilation. By just looking at these piercings, it does make one feel like regurgitating food. Worse still, imagine if one of these piercings get an infection and start rotting. Yuck!

And cigarettes in the toilet bowl means I smoke and all? I did write that those buds were in my toilet bowl because my a bunch of my friends came over. They smoke and they are guys.

So its your dearyxzx boyfriend bengs who were smoking! How old are they? I don’t think that they could be much older than you. Anyways, Lians like you would probably end up smoking someday. Oh yes, that reminds me. All of your sweet nothings like “Iye wantszx lievexz andxz dyie withzxs euus!” (Translation from the corrupted and appalling English: I want to live and die with you!) might very well be true when you get lung cancer.

For god's sake AALteam2, you guys have fans and all.
I am actually loving your blog until you didn't open your eyes to actually bother to read my blog:)
Not ahlians fyi :) . Please do read else you'll stink. One more thing, your blog is really getting boring:)

We are already replying, aren’t we? Anyways, you could have posted it here directly instead of posting it on your blog without letting any of us know. If I hadn’t did a Google search I wouldn’t have found out your blog and get a good laugh over it. And, who is the one who stinks the most? Especially with all the thick coat perfumes you use over yourselves, you should stink a hell lot more than us.

You should be someone who knows me or visit my blog often because I didn't write my age here. How do you know that I'm 14? Shocking.

Nah, I doubt any of us would know or want to know someone like you. Rather, I think that you added your age somewhere in your blog but forgotten that you did. After all, people like us do have such a high level of intelligence (duh!) to the point where finding out your age shouldn’t be such a big issue. Of course, with your pea-sized brain, I don’t think that you can figure out how we did it, even if you could live a million years.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cheap vs Sexy

Hello folks! No, wait. Hello refined humans and liannies!

AAL Svperstar's...posting. Lol.

Okay, I just came across this article regarding a teacher posting her "Ah Lian" photos on blog. This may be old news, I don't know.

However, this shows something highly alarming.

She is a teacher, and she knows she is an ah lian, she hurls vulgarities and still knows that it is lianish. She wears a micro -oh, that's just an excuse- bikini in pictures. You know, I'm okay with some teachers having tattoos and stuff, but this is too extreme.

It's not because we are a 'conservative' society or how she is just 'expressing her freedom'.

She, in all aspects, is not acting like how a teacher should be. Note that I do not mean people clad in knee length skirt, collared shirts to teach in school. Although, there is nothing wrong with that.

I believe a sense of decency and professionalism should be shown in her conduct. After all, she is a teacher. Can you imagine the president of the United States doing that? It's just unsightly and not at all proper.

This brings to another issue. Is our education system that desperate? Do they accept any one who wants to be a teacher? Sure, it is a free for all. But teachers are the role models to students. If they speak like that, dress like that, act like that in school, it is BOUND to pose as an influence to her students! Oh lord, I for one wouldn't want to be taught by her. We go to school to study, not to dress up pretty or act cool.

._. Cheerios people.
I'm going back to nerd mode, as all liannies say.
For us normal people, it's called sleep.
Spelt with a double 'e'.

And ps: Here's her blinding green micro bikini. Even Asiaone posts it! ._.
Picture credits to the ah lian teacher and (which, is in Mandarin)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

School Term Starts!

Apparently the colours's gone nuts. But oh well.