Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lianxzxz and lurbbe problemxzx

toddaexz iie cammexz arcross tix arrticle horr, abt lianxz and lurbbe one leh. veli funny.

Oh *#&*!^!, my hands, my eyes, they burn!

Edited post of some 'anonymous' person.

Hiie guise I r 15.555 years old and iie gort tuu noe tix boii frm sch and den iie lyk himxz. he lykk me. thenn we steadzx for tuu weeks and iie lurbbe him verri muchxz budden 2weeks later he saed he boreddxz uff miie and wann tuu break omiigodxzx i ish heartbrokenxz i lurbbe him verli much now my hart bleedingxz he saed he wan stead wad ish dis stead can euu peeple help miie plox?

Better English Translation:
Hi guys I am 15.555 years old(edited) and I know this boy from school. I liked him, and he liked me. Then we decided to get into a relationship which lasted two weeks. He said he wanted to break up with me because he was bored with me. I am very heartbroken. I loved him very much. My heart is bleeding. Can you guys help me please?

Firstly, this writer totally needs English help, not just heart problems. On that site, replies were like "you need to stop twiting".

Secondly, if this couple really liked each other - I mean really, and not 'play play', how is it possible that the relationship would only last for 2 weeks? I am sure that lians are not blind!..right? And my, how appalling can a guy get? Love a lian and then break her heart because he was 'bored' with her. Allow not your minds to wander as to what he was 'bored' with. <:O We all know how sad lians can get, and how razors will become their lovely playmates when depressed.

And, heartbreak is soooooooooooo common. Day 1: I ish heartbroken. Day 2: Omigawd iie gort a new lurbbbe" Mmm. yeah. Forever love to the lians. Totally.

Another lurbbe-sick lian blog I visited had non-ending popups of "iie hartt euu, do euu noes?" to that, no thanks. I don't love 'you'. To emphasis lians and love sickness, look at this
"taek a niffe andxz stabbx iit throo maii hart```
andd horpe iie will neber lurbbe againxz
c0s lurbbed hhurts tuu muchhz" *(original text edited to avoid lian hunters from stalking)

Ohh, and look, the typical 'misunderstood' kid!

''iie beiin misunderst0dd"

"attiietudde pr0blemxz" yeah, totally. Besides that, she needs typing help.

"Suckker, t00pidxz" well, do something about it! Don't rot there!

"<3 lao gong xxxxx" Umm, BTW she is BELOW 16. Like, pfft, lao gong? Does that mean since you are married, you guys have sex?

Okay, that's all for rambles

Oh ya people, since I am always a veli good person hor, I will try to italicize sarcasm because some people are not only shallow minded, but horrible at inferences. 好的,我就在此跟大家说晚安!对了,我的华文写得非常差。我相信这是我比"ahlian"来得比较差的地方。So lians, feel happy that at least you have something that is better than me. I can only score A1 for Mandarin in tests -_-

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