Friday, December 25, 2009
Anyways, I'm just here for a short update. Regarding the tagboard, I have tried solving the problem. However, it seems like it still doesn't work. I'll check with my other team members to see if I can get access into the tagboard account so that I can remove the ban. If all else fails, I may then consider putting up a new tagboard.
As for those who are banned, please use the comments link below every post. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Welcome to Singapore, the land of lians and singlish!
Introducing the newest tourist attraction of Singapore!
TWITS! (aka lians)
As said by Cheryl "They want hate Ahlians let them hate. They just dont know how to appreciate this unique trait of singapore, which other countries dont have."
Applause please! We, Singapore, finally have something that other countries do not have! LIANS! Whoa!
I'm sure Malaysia will not quarrel with us over this 'uniqueness'.
Last time I checked, twits were a world-wide phenomenon. It's just so happens that the some countries do not have Asian twits. For example, in America, they call'em airheads/bimbos/bitches. It just so happens in Singapore they are called twits/lians.
So to our global readers, come visit Singapore if you'd like to see them twits!
That'll never happen.
I'll migrate outta this country if lians became our national identity. Yuck.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Guest Post: The Biology of AL's Brains
This is the brain of a typical Ah Lian. There's something very wrong with it. Look closer.
Can you identify the problem?
I'll tell you why.
It's empty. That's what it is.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Word of the day!
It means 'yous', which, technically, makes no sense.
How to construct it? "Euuiis all kaopei miie for what? Wan fiite arhhh? Cum la!"
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What would a lian do?
Isn't it nice to see liannies all around? On the bus, in school, in malls and even in your underwear? (Oh, I don't know).
How will a lian react when she gets into a car crash and survive?
A. She starts screaming and call all her gan di, gan kor, gan whatever-insert-shit-name-here to murder the dude who crashed into them. The nerve!
How will a lian react if she got dumped?
A. First 1min: omigoddzx howxzx he dumpped miie leiii . iie wannnaxzx diexxzx liaooxzxz. iie will neberxz wannt tuu fall iinzx lurbbes agaiin .
Next minute: -sees a guy- omigawd hiie's shoo haut ! iie tynkk iie wanna go jio hiim (or whatever word you like)
How does a lian react to bad results?
A. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE waiii??? iie thoughhhtzxz iie damnned smarted? farkkk laaaaaaaaaaa. aiiyah nebbermindxcx...gud results 4 wut...nort liiekk iie wannna biie a lawyyersxz or summethinng. iie go enjoy liife betterr with mmy gan (insert shit name). wharts e poiint of studying stiiell?
END OF RANDOMNESS. Sugar high from durian cakes
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Why English Still Remains Important In Singapore
I would like to bring up something regarding why English remains important in Singapore, regardless of whether China is a rising economy or not.
Even if in the next 1o years, China will be better than USA's economy, we still cannot emphasise it as the language we should use. Do you know what is the purpose of English being used in Singapore? It is not because we were once a British colony (Think Sri Lanka's national language being Sinhala after independence). Rather, it is because it is the linking language amongst the different races in Singapore. English is used basically is because of the fact that it gives no one an advantage over others because we are non-native English speakers.
Even if Mandarin's gonna an important language, it's not going to happen in just 10 years. English will continue to be the most widely used language.
Also, I would like to ask you guys a question: are liannies only bad in English? More often than not, they are bad in both languages. They struggle with BOTH English and Mandarin or their respective mother tongues. If one were to be an epic-failure in English, and also is horribly bad in their mother tongue, where are they going to be? If they decide to not take part in the global competition and stuff, well, I guess go ahead, fail English :D
Okay, that's all folks! Thanks for tuning in!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
An unexpected expected sight
Regarding the title, it isn't a mistake for those who are unable to see. Well, perhaps you will understand when I further elaborate my post. The title is a typical oxymoron, really.
It all began today, when I decided to go to NTUC for some window shopping with my pals. When we stepped into the NTUC, what greeted us was the crisp, cool air in the store. Simply refreshing. And if you did notice, NTUC do play some sort of music in its stores(no matter how cheap some people think they are). We were so happily browsing through the rich selection of mechandises(we were at NTUC extra, actually) when suddenly(!) we hear a bunch of screaming girls.
I'm not exaggerating this. Their screams in a supermarket was highly unnerving. It sliced through the calm, soothing atmosphere with such brute force that it was almost unbearable. But what startled me more was what they were doing.
The five of them -by the way, they are from Holy Innocents' Secondary School- were trying to pack themselves into a trolley. Can you imagine? The five of them tried squeezing themselves into a trolley that is meant for storing food. Heck, even babies don't sit in there! Okay, so they were racing around with the trolley with so many people packed in there, screaming, squealing and acting as though they were in an amusement park. Cheap thrills.
Oh, don't tell me things like, "They will grow out of it", "It's just a phase of their lives", "they're just having fun". Having fun at the expense of the public's peace is grossly unacceptable. I've given up on trying to educate lians. They have their lives, I have mine. But when they intrude into my life by messing up a good day, that's when I get pissed.
Although I didn't expect this incidence to happen today, I did expect such an action from liannies. Well, what can you expect? They're liannies. You know, you know, like boomz? (insert sarcasm)
Ah, they -finally- got chased out of the mart when they supposedly encountered a collision upstairs, and were screaming like it's halloween(which isn't today, kay liannies?). Not only did they not return the trolley, they even went out making the typical vulgarity littered singlish and act like they were not at fault.
Please, liannies, have some sense of decency. You did not only disgrace yourselves as human beings, but even your schools when you go out making a fool in school uniform. I repeat, the school was Holy Innocents High School (or was it secondary school? I have no idea).
Well, that's about all. It is indeed, an unexpected expected sight. I apologised if this post ended up with a lack in substance, scince I do believe I did not live up to what I tried writing about properly.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Impact of Bad English
Recently, Ris Low has sparked media attention due to her appalling English standards despite her being crowned Miss Singapore 2009. Many have also mentioned that her bad language command reflects the standard of English in Singapore’s society, and that her being chosen was a downright disgrace to our country. However, another question that we have to ask ourselves is: why are many Singaporeans such weak in the language?
Singlish, a term coined from the combination of Singapore and English, is often used by Singaporeans to communicate to one another. Originating due to the multicultural society, Singlish has become an idiosyncratic Lingua Franca of Singaporeans. Singlish does not cause any negative impacts per se, but the inability of many people to code switch, especially those weak in the language, usually leads to a bad standard of English in formal situations. One example would be the abovementioned Ris Low.
This brings me back to the topic of ALs. Most of the time, ALs employ an atrocious command of language in conversing with others. Despite having such bad language, they refuse to look up a dictionary in order to improve their English. As a result of constantly twitting and/or combining other languages with English, their standard of English drops radically.
Singapore’s economy depends largely on foreign investments and tourism. Due to our small land space and lack of natural resources, Singapore is forced to depend on other countries for its continued economic survival and progress as a nation. English is an international language, thought not everyone can speak it. Yet, it is the only language that we need to know fundamentally in order to converse with people of different nationalities. The United States of America (USA) has the highest GDP in the world, and is also a country that Singapore’s economy depends on largely. If we lack the Basic English skills, how is it possible to invest there, and perhaps survive economically?
A relatively short post, but it brings the point across: bad English does not simply affect an individual. Especially if it is on a large scale, it can affect an entire nation’s image and perhaps economy. If anyone thinks that the blog which we have created is a waste of time, think again.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The problems with ALs
As we all know, ALs like to create trouble. Regardless of what you do, they will still look for you with their “family”.
If you met a reasonable AL (the better kind of AL) and they want to “settle” with you, normally 1-on-1 and through talking, it’ll be OK.
If you met an unreasonable AL (which is the most common kind)… Talking doesn’t solve the problem; they will still come and beat you up, if you don’t want to get beaten, you have to say sorry. Whether you are in the wrong or not, they don’t care about anyone being in the wrong, even if it’s one of their “family members” who offends you first, you’ll still be in the wrong and get beaten. ALs thinks they have power and they are bigger than you, and everyone has to listen to them, if you don’t, either they beat you up or you have to say sorry. When they have a fight between their “family” and another, ALs will never get beaten and they are proud of it, because they have people to “protect” then. Unless necessary, ALs will only sit back and watch their “family” beating another person. This is how unreasonable they are.
I admit the fact that I once used vulgarities, like never ending. But I controlled myself and now I don’t say vulgarities anymore (which, I am very proud of myself). One day, ALs will come to their senses and quit saying vulgarities, quit smoking, stop creating trouble. But I guess that will be like, only 1 out of 10 of them. And most ALs have already stopped twitting, even some of them hates it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Guest post: The psychological characteristics of Ah Lians
Based on 6 months’ worth of data collection, when I talk about ALs, I’m talking about teenagers from 13-18 years old who share the following characteristics in varied combinations:
Self Inflated Ego- They like to think they are pretty, but most of them are plain Janes. They normally share the same re-bonded China-doll hair cut, thick make up and an awful taste in cheap clothing. I don’t have issues with rebonded hair and cheap clothes, but ALs have a remarkable talent in making nice hair and clothes look bad. As for thick make up, I think it should be reserved for Wayangs, not for the streets. They like to say stuff like “DM, you jealous of me right? Cos I’m so pretty…” Urgh, I would rather die a virgin. What’s more, if you don’t think they are pretty or smart, they mutate into banshees that scream an endless barrage of vulgarities.
Sensitive- they can criticize you, you can't criticize them. They take it VERY personally. They'll threaten to burn down your house, whack you up and start challenging you for your real name, your home address, handphone number and your gender. Heh, everyone knows me as DM, I don’t know why they have issue with that. And I suspect most ALs are homophobic, I guess they just want to get laid by every male that walks across their path in order to feel like they are "wanted" and "desirable". They take rejection personally too, they do threaten suicide (to me, its good riddance to bad rubbish).
Diarrhea of the Mouth, Constipation of the Brains (intellectual poverty)- I realize that all ALs can’t debate. All they can do is swear and accuse people of being kaypoh. I find it incredibly amusing that when I leave comments, I get accusation of “stepping English” (since when was speaking standard English a sin?) or for being a kaypoh (I love being a kaypoh, anyone who has curiosity in them will be a kaypoh!). So far, a few ALs have “cursed” me to be childless in future, even AFTER I told them I refuse to have kids due to the 50% chance of them turning bad. The other words they like to use is slut/bastard. Well, pot calling the kettle black in most cases. Heh.
Look for trouble- ALL ALs have this problem, they love looking for trouble, they are trouble, their friends are trouble, their love lives are trouble and they come to people’s blog to make trouble. When they get flattened for doing that, they go back to their gang complaining that people create trouble with them. *snort* Right, who was the one who started spewing vulgarities at the wrong people who made neutral comments about ALs’ deviant behaviors?
The whole world is in the wrong, only they are perfect- ALs actually think they are very clever. Serious. They actually created their own lingo and create new meanings for words! Singlish is fine, twitting still exists! And the best part about twitting is, there are no rules. I have no idea how much further that lingo can be further degraded and segmented. They use words like flirt, spammer and kaypoh very liberally without knowing what they mean. Poor sods.
Bad Command of Language- they just don’t have a command of language. They can’t speak English properly, can’t speak Chinese properly, can’t speak dialect properly AND they think they are clever because they are not pretending to be clever. I’m so impressed I could die of happiness. They actually made an ART out of being a failure, and since being a failure is the hardest thing for most of us to achieve (on a philosophical level), we have to give them credit for that…
Physical Aggression- That’s the only way they know how to settle “issues”. They call it talk, but given their admirable levels of patience, eloquence and verbal expression, I really question how long the “talk” can last before they resort to their nails and hands. A few ALs have expressed their wish to slap me, but since they can’t find me, they are reduced to mopping around whining about how pathetic I am. Haven’t they heard of verbal slaps? I’ve been giving them tons of verbal slaps along with the other AAL writers. Unfortunately, ALs have such thick hides that slaps have no lasting impression. Now, imagine slapping a bull, it just feels irritatingly ticklish to them, the same reaction when you verbally slap liannies). Subtle sarcasm doesn’t work on them, at ALL. They need to be verbally punched in the face before they run back to their pack whining about being mistreated.The word “dog”- I don’t know why they have to use the word “dog” on everyone, be it friend or foe. They don’t call people baboons, morons, jackasses, etc. From the Freudian perspective of symbolism, I would hypothesize that it’s a reflection of their behavior:
- They mate like dogs (multiple partners)
- Run in packs (their endless lines of gans and jies)
- Bark a lot (the endless barrage of vulgarities and empty threats)
- Howl to the moon (emotional outbursts at night about being lonely and
- Bitch bitch bitch (they are experts at that)
- Run off with their tails between their legs once they meet their betters
The inability to swear properly- They are masters of quantity, not quality. They feel very empowered using “f” words and other hokkien words. Unfortunately, their hokkien stinks to high heaven, the sentences often don’t make sense. For example- knn limbei you! (translated as: screw your mother, your father you). That doesn’t make sense doesn’t it? And the part that really made me flinch was the use of CCB by ALs, may their vaginas rot off from overuse.
If you aren't with me, you are against me- As long as you don't agree with "the" AL way, you are a nerd, even if you can't study. Either that or you're a retard, idiot, bodoh, huan loh, hongster, or whatever, even though you know you are smarter than them and a lot less flirtatious.
Mysterious creatures- no one understands them. Really, you see them declare this all over their blogs. Their teachers, parents, boyfriends and siblings don’t understand their insurmountable pain and anguish over lord knows what. Nobody can understand why they do stupid stuff like getting knocked up and going for rounds of abortion. No one understands why they have to waste all their money on cigarettes and alcohol when the highest pay they can get is approximately $6/hr. No one understands why they take so many MCs and leaves even though they are earning so little. No one knows why they prefer bad friends over good ones. No one knows why they want to go to NT or NA when they can perfectly well get into express. No one knows why some of them give up poly to join their bfs in ITE. No one knows why they still stay with a boyfriend who would rather sleep or flirt with other girls than hang out with them. Are they that stupid? Maybe. I bet they don’t even understand themselves. Lost souls… After many scuffles with them, I realize they switch to the “sob” story after some time. They start to cite stories about having a single parent, stepparent from hell, lousy parents, etc. as a reason for their deviant behavior. I think that is a terrible excuse. I’ve met people who come from single parent families with that single parent being a shitty example of parenthood (gambling, loansharks, alcoholism, etc) but they still turned out fine. Why? It’s because they have the ambition and determination to pull themselves out of the vicious cycle. So my point is ALs are weak in mind, body and soul.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Vulgarities: The corruption of language
Recently, I have chanced upon some anti-aal blogs. From that name, you can infer that they are the Ah Lians. Upon entering their websites and reading their mindless posts, it is always of immediate realization that they lack the sarcasm and level of intellect to be able to attack the aals. Well, what can you expect from them anyway? There are some ALs telling us that our blog is of no use. But if so, can you imagine how the anti-aal blogs can be useful?
As for the ALs who visit our blog, please also learn how to flame creatively. For example, instead of dumping your entire dictionary of vulgarities, try using things like, “I’ll shove my beautifully manicured fingernails up your ass!” For goodness sake, I’m starting to get bored of their usual ‘arguments’.
Using vulgarities often corrupts one’s ability to effectively use a language. Although many stubbornly argue that they are able to use proper English when the time comes, most of these people tend to unconsciously use bad English at such instances. Reason being, when you repeat something (e.g. vulgarities) in such a large frequency, it becomes embedded in your mind and enters your subconscious mind, becoming a habit.
From a nationwide point of view, a corrupted language can adversely affect foreign investments as well as the good image of Singapore that we have taken decades to build. Although it may sound exaggerated, bad English on a more individual level can affect the impression others have on you. So my dear liannies, would you want to be despised by society, or do you want to make a good impression on others? It’s your choice.
Although many ALs do have a good grasp of language in hokkien and possibly Chinese, it is crucial to maintain a good language standard in English as well. Why? It is not that English is the most important language, but rather because it is widely used globally.
--Important Notes--
Just to clarify, AALteam2 does not post photos that are ripped off from blogs/friendster etc, as well as do personal attacks. Instead, we are relying on pure intellect to criticise twits and bad English. As such, do not accuse us of anything that we did not do as you can be charged under the Defamation Act.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Trying to belittle others? Don't overdo it.
I came across this message by some person who apparently wants to belittle others and try to show their superiority by adding in no-value-added stuff of their achievements in life. It goes something like this
"I join my line not because of money! If not why would I forsake my $100k job of blahblahblah company? I do not engage with unethical dealings with some people(I.e person directed). I was the head of some GRC 5 years, and an enthusiastic grassroot leader for 20 years! See? I am not like you. Unlike you, people I've dealt with are way more polite, gracious, so darlingly thoughtful. UNLIKE YOU!!!!!!!! I have earned more than 10x than what I would have earn from your miserable little sum of money over the past month! You think I care about your deal?"
So you see, when you belittle others, please, please, please do not add in irrelevant things. We won't care what organisation you came from, how enthusiastic you are about being a grassroot leader...blah. When you wish to belittle others, attack their weak points, not like the silly, ludicrious anonymous loser who appears to suffer from low self esteem. Thus, he/she requires to make themself to be better(albeit an utterly lousy attempt) by showing off their marvellous achievements, their marvellous pay, their marvellous character and their marvellous acquaintances.
Oh, one last thing:
Please do not soil PAP's name by using it in a weak bragging attempt. :D
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I am glad to announce that! There is this overwhelming amount of ah lians in my area, ._.
Kay. Bye :D
Sing a song of ah lians, a pocket full of guns,
Shoot them in the rear end and peace would fill the night... (I forgot the lyrics.)
Sing a song of sixpence ftw.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Lian kindergarten song
A pwiincess!
Somedae, you will see
That iie'm the best, the best!
Maniicuresxz everyday
And shoppingxzx
What school, what workk?
They should all go awae!
What act cutezx?
iie'm naturally cute lei!
iie'm a pwiincess, yeah a pwiincess
Buay song? Get lost lah!~~~~(fade)
Sung in tune of Somewhere over the Rainbow. :O
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
'people' and lack of comprehension skills.
Do they, say, jump into conclusions?
Or perhaps, were blindly 'swindled' by the flowery language of politics?
Maybe, they are even those who go buying a new product without reading the fine print?
Amazing, bravo. I simply cannot fathom. Is it the fault of them being truly not bothered (and why would they thus read this blog?) or are they just....well... Unless they are medically certified to be mentally challenged in certain aspects, I shall just say...silly.
The lack of comprehension skills in society today can prove to be very disadvantageous. Do you know how many types of propoganda we are facing in reality? There's advertisements, there's gossips, there's bias news(mayhaps from other countries, I don't know). Practically everything can be turn into propoganda and if you're not very good at comprehending these things, you might fare just as badly in detecting their intent.
I'm going to cut the stuff short, because I do understand that most people who frequent this blog appears to not be interested in the nagging I do. Do know that I am merely reminding people of the importance of comprehension skills.
Because if not...
Many, many people will laugh at your foolishness.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wow, I didn't realise that the blog wasn't updated -smiles sheepishly-
Oh yes, I've finally visited Sentosa! -grins widely-
You know, nerds like me rarely find time to go to Sentosa.
And it's there that I realised that lians get to enjoy total freedom regarding what they wear.
Short shorts
It's an ah lian heaven...well, the beaches at least. It's rare to see ah lian at the attraction that requires payment. Oh hoho.
Guess the beaches are free. Just needa pay $3 for admission.
You know what? I have nothing much to say. Hah!
Well , I finally found something to write about .
Bugis , in our aalteam2 opinion , is not specifically an ah lian hangout .
(Eww, talk about horrid punctuation)
Seriously, we said it was a place where we can find lians!
Oh yes, I am currently so busy that I find it pointless to rebut anything right now.
Silence is not consent, or guilty, or whatever people can cook up these days.
Mmm yes, back to nerd mode. I'm sure I need to change my specs into thicker frames...wait, lians use thick-frame spectacles. It was a, urgh. You know what? I'll just go take a spinach shake or something. Hah.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Alas! Another type of lian!
Today, I'll introduce to you guys, the 'punk' lian. It is called 'punk' because they are not actually punk, but posers.
- Does not type cutesy
- Doesn't hesitate to use the word F***, who needs farkk or whatnot crap/loser typing? They'll tell you straight "F*** off!" Like, insane amount of f*** (e.g "today is so f***ing hot sia, damnit la, the f***ing teacher just caught me for my hair. kaopei her la. bloody ****ing god)
- Has the typical mini mini skirt/ankle-less socks/loads of piercings
- Does not rebond hair, but layers it so much that it falls all over the face
- Is not really interested in Chinese techno/hiphop/whatnot music
- The westernized version of a lian
(Note: this is only for a general guide)
Why you shouldn't be in this category:
Because although you think that it may be 'cool' or what not, it actually looks horrible. To many, it doesn't look like a real punk dude.
It looks like a mutated lian version.
Although it's away from pink princess land, it still is horrible.
So, perhaps these people hate the world, I don't know.
Lians have many subgenres, which is very eerie.
Being 'punk' lian doesn't mean you're different. You guys morph into one group once again.
For the worse and shameful side.
Now, for comments
So, we've come to the issue of racism.
(And of course, lian/twit's mindless accusations)
Let's be direct:
I will never support racism.
And thus, this blog will not be used to promote racism.
try saying these type of things to niggas and such . they gon kick your ass like some soccer balls.
Why would we want to say these things to niggas? Hello, please do not use the term 'niggas' because it only reflects your character, your values, and of course, what kind of parents you have.
okiie tix ishh a veli shortxz postx, hoppe euu gaiis dunch mindxzxz
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Fighting for no Obvious Reasons
“eh! si beh buey song ah! Kao pei la wan settle outside izzit?”
The above sentence was probably repeated multitudinous times by the Liannies and Bengs. Their behaviour only serves to show that they are boorish people who lack culture. Of course, Man started out as an inherently destructive and angst-driven being, but from the birth of civilization till today, violence has brought nothing but harm toward humanity.
Lians and Bengs do indeed have such a low intellect that everything in which they are unhappy about involves fighting, leading to them ending up in hospitals after getting their asses kicked. Even so, they never seem to stop and continue getting new scars which they boast to everyone about. Besides having a nice stay at the hospital, they usually end up in prison some time or another when the police get called in and arrest them for rioting. Oh well, what can you expect from these kind of people?
Many fights like these start when these people think that someone is staring at them, even if it is an accidental glimpse. Speaking of staring, I hope that the Bengs and Lians would get to know this: nobody in the right mind would want to stare at thrash. As for the normal people, please try not to look at the Lians and Bengs, for you might end up in hospital, not for injuries but for getting sore eyes. Besides beating up people for an accidental glimpse, they usually start fights for things with no obvious reasons. For example, they bump into you and accuse you of bumping into them while walking.
Most of the time, Bengs are the ones getting into fights, although the Lians sometimes do as well. However, saying that the Liannies are forgiving is the worst idea you could have. As AALteam once mentioned, the Ah Lians would usually keep it to themselves and bitch behind your backs. When this happens, they would get their boyfriends to fight against the person that the Liannie was “offended” by, making them do all the dirty work.
Although violence is a part and parcel of life, the way that these people use it are such that it causes more destruction than construction. When they start fighting, it doesn’t solve anything, since it doesn’t prove that the winner of the fight is correct. No matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to drive this intrinsic principle of life into their thick heads. Luckily, some of them change and become better people. As for the others, I seriously have no comment about them.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Smoking in Public
I came across an article in STOMP showing a girl smoking openly in school uniform while crossing the road. Apparently, her actions were recorded by an In-Vehicle camera and got posted on youtube. The link to the article is this: In it, the writer mentioned that the video “was captured at around 2pm at the junction of Pasir Ris Drive 6 and 1”, and that “the girl was seen taking at least three puffs from the cigarette she was holding while crossing the road”. For those who want to watch the video, I have embedded it here.
As you can see, the girl was smoking in full view of the public. Seriously, does she want to get caught be the police? =.= I’m sure we all know of the consequences of smoking. They give you horrible appearances and a higher risk of cancer. Speaking of horrible appearances, the Ah Lians are dumb enough to smoke despite the fact that it makes them look older with leathery skin. Anyways, they would start dumping a full bucket of cosmetics on their face that makes them look like ghosts.
Maybe that dude who shot that video should send it to the school’s principal so that they could watch the students more closely. Otherwise, she would start offering her juniors weed and get them addicted as well. Ishh lykk, smm0kciingzxs ishh g0o0dzxz f0erzx y00h .__. I’m sure she isn’t the only one who smokes. Most Ah Lians probably smoke as well. For those who remember, one of the tagboard flamers told us that smoking could be used to cure some sort of disease. We now know that what she said was “true”, and Zann drew up a list of diseases Ah Lians get that requires them to be cured by smoking =D
Oh yes, as I was reading the comments made by some Lian/Bengs on that video, I couldn’t stop laughing! Their imbecilic comments were so groundless and were repeated ever so often. Here are some examples.
eh i m more curious y tat driver put a cam or a phone on the dash...and lookin at it i tink its on for quite some time...does he always on it to shoot schoolgirls??!!
Damn lame, nothing to do go snapshot girls. Why your hand so steady, you pin up your camera and get ready to take video of young girls? Si tico. Put this type of tico music along with the video somemore. Smoking is not a 1-puff-and-die thing, not toxic waste. You no need huanlo so much, find something better to do with your time. Just fuck off and die, mf'er!~ :D
If you notice, they are all quite similar. Firstly, they think that the person who got the video was trying to take photos of girls. If you wonder why they think that way, it’s because they are feeling guilty of doing the same thing. For some reason, both of them seem to be guys. They probably fear that the same thing might happen to them, too. Notice their appalling English as well =D By the way, the video was shot by an in-vehicle camera, so they should be feeling too embaressed to reply to the comments made by the guy who shot the video.
Oh yes, I also want to highlight an incident that happened somewhere near my house. There is a coffee shop somewhere near the ground floor of a nearby block that sells cigarettes to teenagers. I observed that the buyers would stuff money into an old lady’s pocket and grab the weed from a table in front of her. Sometimes, it’s not entirely their parent’s fault for allowing them to purchase weed. I wonder of the police knows about it. Oh well, underage smoking seems to be a widespread problem in Singapore nowadays. So folks, remember to stay free of smoking and most importantly, Twits!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Inappropriate attire and sending 'messages'
It's t-shirt, shorts, flip flops.
T-shirt, shorts, flip flops.
T-shirt, shorts, flip flops.
The army of badly dressed Singaporeans.
Yes. Indeed. It's so inappropriate, especially if you're shopping at Orchard road. And guys, seriously, Singapore isn't that hot. I'm just surprised people don't freeze their asses off by wearing like that in our mostly air conditioned places. I sure hope those people won't wear that 'standard' outfit to a wedding dinner. Hah, that'll be funny.
Lians love to dress like that too, I noticed. It's the same ol' tight fitting shirt, mini mini shorts(gosh, they exists!) and flip flops. Oh, don't forget about the hideously straight rebonded hair. Hideously straight. My gosh, it just looks like they put a sheet of black paper over it. I don't think all of them have unruly and untamable hair right? In fact, I think that the only thing that's unruly and untamable are their characters.
I can just imagine them going "wharts sho wronq abut teeeshiirtx shortxz and flipp flopps? atxx leastxz wee dun habbe ugly leggs lykk euu" Umm, by the way, lians and their toothpick legs do not interest me or spark the slightest bit of envy.
Since we're on the topic of bad dressing, I just wonder what kind of messages these people sent? Especially those females who wear translucent tight fitting T shirt with some black bra below. You know, my direct inference would be that they are trying to act like hookers. It is hardly sexy. Of course, I do not mean that everyone should be wearing knee length skirts and whatnot. We're in a modern world, yada yada, but still, t-shirt, shorts, flip flops is just...overboard.
There's a thin line between trendy and just plain off-fashion. I believe ah lians have crossed that line.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Due to stupidity as aforesaid, by the liannitards, I have concluded that smoking cures the following diseases:
- Lungobursticuz
Symptoms: Lungs start to weaken.
Cure: Death by smoking.
- Imaretardasmokism
Symptoms: Wanting to smoke due to peer pressure and smoking for fun.
Cure: Death by smoking.
- Liannitardiculum
Symptoms: You twit.
Cure: Death by smoking, an alternative of having sex with multple partners will enhance and hasten the death sequence.
Yes, for Lungobursticuz, it only occurs to people who smokes wayyy too much. This results in lung cancer. Or throat cancer, either of which would result in you dying if there isn't a cure :D
As for Imaretardasmokism, its only due to people between the ages of 10 to 17 wanting to smoke because of peer pressure, or rather, the frequently used excuse, "I need to relief stress wor", Oh why don't you go photoshop your faces, it'll reduce stress! (Not on your computer though, it'd explode from multiple layers you made to immaculate your faces.)
And last but not least! Liannitardiculum, its a horrible disease spreaded to approximately iie-dunchh-phuckkinqq-kn0es number of people, on a daily basis! :D In my belief, I think you should go buy those type-guides for kids between the ages of 6 to 8 for proper typing skills, whereby they teach you basics of where the hell you should place your heavily menicured* fingers, and how you should type without breaking your expensively menicured* fingernails.
Yes, this is a very very very very very very (spamz0rs) bored Zann :D
SMALL NOTE: *MENicure is used to mock the spelling ability of xiiaolov... something. :D
The Xiiao Stuppidx People
I’m seriously going to do the same ol’ boring thing once again. Yes, it’s the replying of tags made by the uh…‘tards.
Most Liannies seem to have a nickname with the word “xiiao” in front. FYI, the Liannie that I’m going to write about later on is called “Xiiaolovellies”. Just look at her name. Just makes one want to laugh, don’t you think? If you ever wondered why most Liannies have a “xiao” or “xiiao” in front of their name, I can tell you that it refers to their brain size. It sure does fit their intelligence, isn’t it? =__=
Heh, let’s see what sort of harebrained ideas they have came up with this time.
Xiiaolovellies said:
Ohmy, sorry i dont work for people, i own a menicure shop at holland v. I think you guys are seriously stupid. Can speak better english can get better job? Laughs* perhaps yes,but if you're rich, you can GO BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND DONT NEED TO THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT Working?
For your information, my dear Xiiaolovellies, smart people like us don’t want to aim so low the way you do as to open a tiny manicure shop at the roadside. I’m sure that your business would fail sooner or later, given the fact that you drive everyone away with your astoundingly bad English.
And , oh please . if wear skinnys means ahlian, then my mum wear skinnys too , my aunty wear skinnys too , they ahlian meh? laughs*
You have already answered your own question. And yes, you’re so right. Your mom is a Liannie as well. My my, who knew Ah Lian “culture” was inherited?
I think you guys are really starfish* brainless fool. BTW , i didn't say smoking can cure cancer, FYI , i only say smoking can cure certain disease
The starfish part was seriously random. Are you an earthworm? O_O I also didn’t say that smoking can cure cancer. You were the one who assumed it yourself. The photo thingy was made as an example to show how stupid you are. Like…how can smoking cure a disease? As Zann already pointed out, there are a few possibilities:
1. You either heard stop as smoke, or.
2. That doctor graduated with some print-out-cert from the internet :D
3. You made that up
4. You’re not human, but a strange creature that requires those toxic chemicals to be cured
5. The disease is Ah Lian noise pollution disease, that requires you to smoke so that you can stay quiet
6. You doctor was just a figment of your imagination
7. You have a mental problem
The ones in blue were added by me. I could make the list a lot longer if you really wanted, but that kinda defeats the purpose.
I Dont kaopeh so much when you didn't get your facts right, it'll only make you look like one fool , and regarding you "lian and love problem" laughs , Girl whom talk about love problem like those kiddos mean KIDS , not lian -.- . I think the creator of the blog is never study one -.- , aiyah. I don’t wish to waste my time on hose [u]peabrain[/u] Kids (:
You should tell that to yourself first. You’re now looking like a fool. Oops. What I meant was, you’re now known to be a fool. Girls who talk about love problems are usually Lians, because their excessive sexual activities such as, erm…let’s just skip this part, cause them to get all sorts of complicated problems. Lykk, miee boiifriedzx makkeszx miee 肚子大…
Your last sentence is totally self-contradictory. If you don’t wish to waste your time on us, then why are you still tagging our blog? Oh I get it, those pea-sized brains that you were referring to belong to yourself and those Liannies. For the record, this is the first time I saw anyone add a code wrongly. So, who is the "peabrain" now?
This person seems to be really proud over owning a tiny shop. I wonder if the business has folded yet. Oh well, its really a sooner or later thing. After all, she doesn't even know her business well especially when she spelled "manicure" as menicure". Lians will never get to own multinational companies that some non-lians do. Blame it on their shallow mind, I guess. That’s all for today. So human and twits, remember to stay tuned for more!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Awesome Taggieszxz!
It’s the great Zee Anti Twit posting, once again. Apparently, replying of tags seems really boring. So, I have decided to spice it up by adding some pikturezx for your pleasure =D
{♥} Aricia™ - Leanne:
laughs ? when i ask-ed and my elderly said already and will update u, there is a sickness cure by ciggy . but if u THINK that im just BOMBING go ahread, cos i don't need to BOMB cause of this SMALL issue its nonsense .
You’re still so persistent that there is a sickness that can only be cured smoking. If what you said is true, what is the disease that you were referring to? Is it the “Ah Lian Retardency Disease”? =__= Let’s now seek the opinion of Ms. Brada, once again, shall we?

Apparently, Ms. Brada is smoking because her doctor told her to smoke as a cure for her cancer. Somebody call the Singapore Medical Association! I was too lazy to draw out a new picture, so I just copied the one from AAL Svperstar's post.
xiao M- Leanne:
hahaha , so funny eh, wat sense of originality lim pei wann put xiao or watt ur business is it? i got huan tio u anot ? if dun have den shut ur bloody mouth! u bytch! u tink u who huh? NB, go suck ur mummy pussy la!! if u dare to KPKB, why dun KPKB here, wann to KPKB just come our turf and say la! hum ji kia! no ball! go outside n say it to us, see if u will kana disfigured anot! dun hide behind e comp la! go get a life man! nb!
Zee Anti Twit:
Wow, a sense of originality? I don’t think that adding a “xiao” or “xiiao” in front of your name is original either. For some unfathomable reason, most Liannies add that before their names. And, when we criticize your adding of the word “xiao” in front of your name, what business is it of you to comment on it? Unlike your mouth which is full of blood and vulgarities, we did not need to open ours to type all these out in the first place. Gosh! You have a turf? Do you know that forming a gang is illegal in Singapore? I think we better check out your IP address and get the police to hunt you down instead. Right…now you’re the one who is hiding behind your computer. If you want, you can tell us where your “turf” is so that we can get the police to arrest you and that little gang of yours.
{♥} Aricia™ - Owner
oh pls, u are too lame ! laughhs, making a doll and talking to urself ? what sickness ? wait till i ask-ed my granny and i will tell u, don worry ! ahlian ? smoking means ahlian ? don tell me ur WHOLE family NOT even ONE smoking ? aliens ! & btw, i didnt said it could cure CANCER ! so stop making urself happy
Zee Anti Twit:
Just to let you know, that drawing isn’t a doll. My point is, saying that smoking is able to cure a particular sickness is as stupid and lame as that picture. Seriously, how can the toxic chemicals in that cancer stick be able to cure any disease? Unless you count passive smoking caused by selfish smokers, nobody in my family has ever smoked in our lives. Omigoshesxzs! You saw Aliens!? Where? Are you the one? -_- We did not say that smoking makes one An Ah Lian. Although underage smoking doesn't make one a Lian or Beng, it does show that the smoker is someone with NO FUTURE o_o
That's all, folks! Let's wait and see if there are more ludicrous nonsense by the twitzies for us to roflmao on =)))Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Zann's replies
anti fagswho made this
Yoga Lin
Rofl, Yoga Lin? Lol, if you have time to tag our blog, why don't you go write some more songs, or sign some autograph for your fans -- that is, if you actually were Yoga Lin, (Y'know, you can get sued for impersonation ^^)
Yoga Lin
{♥} Aricia™ - Leanne
{♥} Aricia™ - Leanne
anti ******s who made this
Sunday, April 5, 2009
PYNC- 100% plastic beauty :D

Are your eyes too small?
Are your lips not pouty enough?
A trip down to our store will help you elimate all these problems!
Next time you need plastic surgery, think PYNC!
Replies and about "Angela" :D
Firstly, we did NOT accuse Angela of being an ah lian. Did we say she was an ah lian all the way? I cannot vouch for that for she is not my real life friend.
Secondly, okay, so if Angela is not an ah lian, she is a 14(or 15?) year old smoker. SMOKER. Yeah, yeah, it's none of our business what-not. Just for your information, 14-15 is underage. Umm, yeah. Angela should stop posting pics of her school. I know where she is from now. -_-
Thirdly, please people, stop writing things that only reflects your level of intelligence, for the worse. This is perhaps a minority of the readers, but gosh, do they even have a brain? It makes me wonder!
Lastly, upon a sound and rational request from Angela's friend, we have removed her pictures :D
LaL "This is getting so boring, really. *Yawns* Do you even know this girl, Angela? I doubt so. From her blog, I can see she's quite a nice girl."
Do you know her...? From her blog YOU see that she is quite a nice girl. From her blog, I see that she is an underage smoker who tries to 'resist' smoking when she sees others who smoke. (other underage schoolmates)
"And does she twit? No she doesn't. Maybe some ahlians do type lyke dhis, but she doesn't You and I both know that."
Yes, so she does not twit? So what is it about guud nitte aal teamiie tuu? I can't remember the exact modified words, but heck, they sure don't qualify as non-twiting.
And what did this girl ever do to you? Nth. And, I know you got to know her blog through right?
No, frankly, we did not. How did you 'know' such things? I saw her account by chance somewhere on a networking site, which states her age, location, birthday, etc.
And, helping an ahlian doesn't mean I'm one.
Never said you were...why assume things?
Actually it's funny to wrongly accuse somebody. Seriously, she didn't do anything to ya'll. Hehe, I still like ya'll aalteam peeps.
...Accuse? Well, we're back to "ASSUMING things" again.
Yeah, I like you too. Ya'll come back soon!
That's all folks 晚安!早安!depending on your location :D
Friday, April 3, 2009
Another stupid rap/jingle/song/whatever by yours truly.
Eh eh, wassup wassup,
I'm the newest (lian/beng) bub,
I mean like, c'mon y'all, look at me,
I started to type so properly,
But oh wait, check my spelling mistakes,
You confirm pronounce my angmoh lame.
Worse still, aftermath I've gotta meet my (bro/sis),
I think they all still twit,
Nevermind, sua diao, let's hang at Bugis street,
*recieves call* "Harh, eh what, who want chuey dai ji?"
You think you damn big la hor,
You think your english sibeh good hor,
I tell you, I think you're right,
I use hokkien more than you lor,
Now I know I won't regret if I ever drop out of school,
I know I'll end up somewhere tall,
Somewhere not in Singapore,
Cuz maybe I can't find a job here, without my (o's/n's) cert,
Maybe next time I can go live off dirt.
Right now I sibeh shag,
So I go stare at chim words leh,
I try to make myself so smart,
But then hor, I still suck
So I tell you, don't waste your time,
Just go stare at words, education's sublime.
Most "misused" language here are adapted from real life lianny bloggers. One of whom thought the word "phenomenom" was an insult :D Eii, phenomenom euu larhszx h0rs. LOL.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Lianxzxz and lurbbe problemxzx
Oh *#&*!^!, my hands, my eyes, they burn!
Edited post of some 'anonymous' person.
Hiie guise I r 15.555 years old and iie gort tuu noe tix boii frm sch and den iie lyk himxz. he lykk me. thenn we steadzx for tuu weeks and iie lurbbe him verri muchxz budden 2weeks later he saed he boreddxz uff miie and wann tuu break omiigodxzx i ish heartbrokenxz i lurbbe him verli much now my hart bleedingxz he saed he wan stead wad ish dis stead can euu peeple help miie plox?
Better English Translation: Hi guys I am 15.555 years old(edited) and I know this boy from school. I liked him, and he liked me. Then we decided to get into a relationship which lasted two weeks. He said he wanted to break up with me because he was bored with me. I am very heartbroken. I loved him very much. My heart is bleeding. Can you guys help me please?
Firstly, this writer totally needs English help, not just heart problems. On that site, replies were like "you need to stop twiting".
Secondly, if this couple really liked each other - I mean really, and not 'play play', how is it possible that the relationship would only last for 2 weeks? I am sure that lians are not blind!..right? And my, how appalling can a guy get? Love a lian and then break her heart because he was 'bored' with her. Allow not your minds to wander as to what he was 'bored' with. <:O We all know how sad lians can get, and how razors will become their lovely playmates when depressed.
And, heartbreak is soooooooooooo common. Day 1: I ish heartbroken. Day 2: Omigawd iie gort a new lurbbbe" Mmm. yeah. Forever love to the lians. Totally.
Another lurbbe-sick lian blog I visited had non-ending popups of "iie hartt euu, do euu noes?" to that, no thanks. I don't love 'you'. To emphasis lians and love sickness, look at this
"taek a niffe andxz stabbx iit throo maii hart```
andd horpe iie will neber lurbbe againxz
c0s lurbbed hhurts tuu muchhz" *(original text edited to avoid lian hunters from stalking)
Ohh, and look, the typical 'misunderstood' kid!
''iie beiin misunderst0dd"
"attiietudde pr0blemxz" yeah, totally. Besides that, she needs typing help.
"Suckker, t00pidxz" well, do something about it! Don't rot there!
"<3 lao gong xxxxx" Umm, BTW she is BELOW 16. Like, pfft, lao gong? Does that mean since you are married, you guys have sex?
Okay, that's all for rambles
Oh ya people, since I am always a veli good person hor, I will try to italicize sarcasm because some people are not only shallow minded, but horrible at inferences. 好的,我就在此跟大家说晚安!对了,我的华文写得非常差。我相信这是我比"ahlian"来得比较差的地方。So lians, feel happy that at least you have something that is better than me. I can only score A1 for Mandarin in tests -_-
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've a bad habit of not writing titles.
About your English...
You do not use “Aftermath” as “Afterwards”.
“Aftermath h0r, iie liiyke, went tuhhzxz lo0kiiezxs furhh miiee fwendszxz && fwammiiliieszx.”
First of all. Aftermath means: something that results or follows from an event, esp. one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequence: the aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.
So, what you were actually trying to tell us was:
“Disastrously/Unfortunately hor, I like, went to look for my friends and families.”
Even if you were trying, to the greatest extent in your
Hmm. Maybe I’ll be
(I’m only using the stupid smilies to get me in the mood to type like twiitz0rs, or liianiies WOR).
However so, I have grown tired after this horrendous post that implicated twitting, I haven’t posted in
I’m tired.
Kkae baiiszxszxszzxzxsxsxsxfbdfgwthjaethaetnhbaejrugnaswkdgvbnwaiuv. (I’m so creative, RAITSDSZDS?! :D)
Wif lutza luv,
PS!: Is anyone supportive of me, the
"Lovely" Comments by the Twitzxsz (:
oh, by the way, you can get sued for plagarism. any time. (: but i doubt anyone would waste their time on you guys.
As AAL Svperstar already mentioned, the words of solemnities do not belong to AAL TEAM2. Plagiarism is only when you pass off somebody else’s work as your own. Of course, we will never want to do that given the horrible English used in the “words of solemnities”. Well, well, who is wasting time on us now? Don’t tell me that no time is spent posting messages on our tagboard –laughs at the Liannies’ self-contradictory words –.
SHIMIN said:
& i don't need you to judge my english standards. you are welcome to visit my blog anytime. (: but honestly, what do lians have got to do you?
What do lians got to do with us? The answer is quite obvious, actually. Imagine watching a Liannie in public doing their usual makeout sessions in public with their boiifrendxszx. Its ghastly and you can get sore eyes for a week just by having a little glimpse –shudders–. Not to mention is also their constant camwhoring and obnoxious English like “iie wanttxz duu habsxzs –censored– wiithzxsx euus!” that pollutes the beauty of the Language and also our previously-perfect mind -_-.
do you think that yr english is absolutely flawless? -.= come on. wake up & stop doing stupid things lyk this.
Even though it is not flawless, at least it’s a hell lot better than yours and also that of the other Liannies. Using singlish isn’t as bad as twiting, because only a minority group of people called twitzxsz are able to read the corrupted language. Liannies like you should be the ones to wake up and stop doing stupid things like camwhoring and wearing ultra-short skirts no more than a nanometre long. I used to wonder: are shorter skirts cheaper because it requires less material to manufacture? =__=
SHIMIN said:
hey come on lah, you think that that is fake? -.= get a life pls! you are so childish to the extent whereby you even joke about someone's death?
Seriously, it does make one think that the post was fake or used as a joke. An ordinary person wouldn’t write it in such a way that makes it sound so crude. I only found out that it was real when I went to the tagboard of that person’s blog. By the way, we are not joking about someone’s death. And, since when did we joke about her death? We were only saying that you should use euphemisms when spreading the news about someone’s death. Imagine if I say “that person is now belly-up and is gonna be combusted tomorrow”. It really is evident that the post was made as a joke.
"first step to communicating with us", it should be "to communicate."..?
Wow, trying to correct our English, eh? Have you ever heard of “present continuous tense”? Obviously you haven’t, having such a low level of education. As far as I can tell, you only know of “present perfect tense”, which was only taught in Primary 1. If you ever want to correct our English again, try typing it in Microsoft word and check for spelling and grammar mistakes before acting smart and end up looking stupid. Oh wait, its not looking stupid. Rather, it should be letting others know that you are stupid.
Unknow (: said:
Lame, people with singlish you also want to correct it. CHILDISH!
We are not just correcting singlish. Rather, we are correcting misused English that causes confusion when reading, especially twitsy language that really rewires our entire neural network. Your nickname doesn’t sound right, too. Shouldn’t it be ‘unknown’ and not ‘unknow’?
Pass said
you guys are fking childish, get a life.
Yeah, we are childish and you are mature. Indeed, you are so mature that you had sex before you reach ten years old. Unlike you, we have a great life ahead of us, instead of worrying that cops would catch us for underage sex, drug addiction, you name it. What a life.
Hopefully the twits would continue coming in for us to comment on their farcical tags. Bye!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Example of what not to say when mourning
*Has been edited. These words of solemnities(of sort) does not belong to AAL TEAM2. We are showing you examples of blatant errors in English.
Hello everyone! Today, we're on the topic of what NOT to write when you're sadden by a loved one's departure. Despite the author's attempt to say that it is very sorrowful during this period, it makes it very hard to think that she wasn't making a joke. Aside from this, if this were real, I am sorry and shall send my condolences to the affected family. (like seriously, I have to magnify this cause certain people can't tell the difference between "This IS a joke" and "Makes me FEEL like it is a joke")
This is not a cynical response to the attempting-to-be-solemn post. The aim of this topic is to tell you guys to not ruin future...sad events.
U: I am so sorry for what has happened. When are you burning the corpse?
Family of the deceased: =.= say vut?
You know, it's like someone asking you when you're dead "Yo, when you getting BURNED! You're just a corpse in the coffin! I am your best/good/whatever friend/family/whatever and that's why I am caring!"
Instead of corpse, politely use "BODY"
Instead of "burn" use "CREMATED"
Like, seriously. BURNED? CORPSE? You changed the entire atmosphere!
So people, language is quite important.
shoxzx peepps, pl0x duu n0rt us3 baddxz engriush orkaexzx?
iie unnderstanndxzx thart it ishh yurr waiie uff sayinqq thart euu cann typpe guddxz engruish, butttxz n0rt liddat lah, hor.
Wow, I used two Singlish words in one sentence!
By doing all this youre being childish! Are being bullied by REAL AHLIAN? Please respect other people if not no one will respect you!!"
Your post " Liannies, we won't get sued! " You said you grabbed their photo they are Ah Lians. How you know they are Ah Lians? You know them?
Umm FYI, you calling us an attention seeker is clearly a malapropism. Look who are the ones who post photos of themselves going "iiee amm shoxzxz loneliie." "iie wannt tuu diie" "iie n0rt pwettiie" while doing 'sexy' poses.
By the way, your definition of 'guai' is another ah lian phrase. Guai kia and all those whatnot misuse of dialect. I am not guai, kid. Don't ever think I am. Rather, I am not lewd or ill bred like those vulgar lians.
I am being childish? Yeah, perhaps I am. So why are you wasting time talking to a childish kid again? And no, I wasn't bullied by lians. I am quite sure one who do not find certain trends of people very likeable is not one who has been bullied. There is just no clear link or evidence. Don't jump the gun, kay?
Speaking of respect, have you actually respected anyone? ANYONE? I doubt it. I respect people who are worthy of respect. And loud lewd girls just isn't one of them.
Okay, how do you know what a snob is by looking at their profile? By the manner they write, the way they posted their pictures, etc! You do the math.
{♥} Aricia™well, im angela's gan mummy, but then . using in a harsh way cant sloves anything here, u all are proving this blog owner that he/she is right. but, staying claim and try talking the owner, prove him/her wrong . don be so harsh :) wells, we cant stop u from posting or what so ever . but one thing , angela is NOT a ahlian, we are jus having arts in whatever we did. but not a sign of being a ahlian :) so i hope u can respect her . but others i got nothing to say. :)
Well, I would like to applaud you for speaking rationally. That is the first step in communicating with us :)
Okay, so perhaps some of these lians we've shown aren't really lians. We did NOT say that they are 100% lian. We just say that at that point in time, their words, their pictures, SUGGESTS that they are lians.
Well, which picture supposedly belongs to 'angela'? Perhaps you can tell us and I'll see what I can do about it.
And no, how is it 'arts'? Using aalteam's words "Last time I heard, messy bed was an art" Lianism is not an art. Like, eww.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Living in Harmony with Lians
Simply put, our pledge says "regardless of race, language or religion".
For one, Lians aren't a race, thankfully.
Secondly, twiting is not a recognised language.
Religion? Please, don't go there. Lianism is hardly a religion.
Frankly, this blog is not aimed to cause hatred amongst people. Simply put, I do not rage wars with ah lians in real life. E.g start a riot or something. I would try to make friends with them...first, until perhaps it reaches a point whereby there is no room for friendship, and I would ignore them!
We, the AAL Team2, is not here to annihilate a group of people based on likes and dislikes. Just because we do not like lians, does not mean that we are out to vapourise them all like some maniac dictator as seen in the history of mankind.
Our blog is dedicated to showing people how others make mistake in their English, the dos and don'ts in society.
We are peaceful!
[/end of ranting]
SHIMIN: you guys are childish man. you think much people will pay attention to yr freaking lil' blog? -.= oh please. get a life. stop hiding behind that pathetic computer of yrs doing nonsense stuffs & clogging up the internet. =.= btw, to the anti twitter piece of ****, wake up, don't be so dumb & childish -.=''' [b]losers[/b[
Sorry, but LOLOLOLOLOL! Childish? Goodness. You're the person who's looking at this 'freaking lil' blog'. Eesh.
Yes, I'm aware that I need a new life for mine just expired. Yeah, you wish.
If anti twitter were a piece of shit, you must be just a minuscule atom that decomposes at room temperature.
By the way, if our blog is clogging up the net, whart duu euu thynk orff yurr bloggszxz? They take up even more of the net with some badly de-improvised version of English.
That's the first time I've seen someone doing a code wrongly...and in a tagbox. Gosh.
Liannies, we won't get sued!
Hello peeps! Its me, the great Zee Anti Twit!
Firstly, there has been an uproarious commotion about the origin and usage of anti-ah lian blogs such as this one. I have taken some time to provide some information on Singapore law regarding this matter.
Now, look at subsection (1) of section 3 of the Sedition law in Singapore.
“3. (1) A seditious tendency is a tendency
(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government;
(b) to excite the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore to attempt to procure in Singapore, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;
(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Singapore;
(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore;
(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore.”
As you can see, there is no part of that states what we are doing is against the law of Singapore. Although (d) states that raising discontent or disaffection amongst citizens of Singapore is a seditious tendency, we are not targeting only fellow Singaporeans, because Ah Lians are not only from Singapore. They can appear anywhere in the world, though most cluster around the southeast region of Asia. In addition, the definition of the word “Ah Lian” is not clear, and thus the people in which we are commenting about cannot be defined exactly. In fact, I think that the Liannies themselves were the ones who caused disharmony at first.
With respect to cyberbullying due to posting other people’s pictures, we have used digital modification of our subject’s faces to prevent them from being recognised. We are doing this to protect the rights of the Ah Lians, who are also living organisms like us (talk about twit rights activists?). Ever since the closure of TTT, I think that we are certainly more careful on our posts. If I’m not wrong, a Liannie whose pictures were posted in the TTT blog wanted to sue them, but was unsuccessful.
Here are some tags made by the Liannies =)
YUNNLE said:
Oi u use my friend picture for wht ? Fk u laa , wht aalteam u think u who anyhow grab ppl photo and all . lame laa ! Shameless sial
Firstly, we grab their photos because they are Ah Lians. They are examples we use to allow our readers to know what we are talking about. It is said that “a picture paints a thousand words”. By using pictures, we can allow our readers to grasp what we are trying to say. By the way, we are aalteam2, not aalteam. These are two different blogs with the same goal. Oh yes, you just said that we posted your friend’s photo. Oh well, Liannies like you seem to know each other really well, to such an extent that any random Lian is your friend -_-. I wonder who the lame person here is. Why are all the arguments given by the Ah Lians similar? I think that with your pea-sized brains, you can’t generate to many thoughts is one go.
SEIKA said:
YO YUNNLE,SCOLD THIS PEOPLE. lols -.-' w/e i got tio this before , haha ! laugh at this people , imposing themself , look ! more lame peep(s) are entering singapore ! D: crys , well , the 1st thing i wanna ask these people , do they look like lian ? 2nd ; even if they are , whye are you kpoing so much ? mind ur own business ._.
With your appalling English, I simply cannot grasp what you are saying. But, I understand the part “do they look like lian”. The answer is, we don’t. If we are, we would not be as stupid as to comment about our looks. If you want me to describe myself, I can tell you that I wear really simple clothes, with no piercing or tattoos whatsoever. We are minding our own business. The reason we hate twits like you is because you cause light, sound, air, and land pollution. Light pollution is when you let us look at your disgusting bodies and indecent clothes etc, sound pollution when you rattle so much vulgarities in public places, air pollution with your bad breath and thick perfume, land pollution when you dump the used makeup shité.
Anti Twit said:
“Woah,you guys are harsh ain't cha? All you have to do is pick up some random stranger and speat **** about them? You're suppose to be a anti ahlian team,not to pick on people you think are ahlian. Since you've a brain larger than pea size,you should know you can get sue for this. There's no freedom of speech yo,this ain't the states. No offense,but it ain't right doing this.”
We aren’t harsh. We are doing this for the good of mankind. Through the use of blogs to spread the dangers of Ah Lians and Lianism, we allow the decrease of the appearance of Ah Lians. The numbers are increasing, but we cannot let this happen. Imagine if one day the world is taken over by Ah Lians. It would definitely be a hostile place to live in. There would be chaos, and mankind will meet its doom. Therefore, we must prevent this from happening, and it starts as anti-ahlian teams like ours. One day, the world will be perfect and people like twits shall cease to exist.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A search on Google
I have just gone to Google and typed in “aalteam2” in the search bar. Boy there were 17 results. Most of them were blogs that were owned either Anti Ah lians by liannies themselves. Of course, the comments by the twits are always imbecilic. Well, what can you expect from unevolved beasts of nature? -_-
Okay, let’s now look at an extract from a Liannie’s blog. Apparently, some pictures that we posted here were by that twit. The blog post URL is this - This post was made as a reply to this post
Here was what the Liannie said:
Have we ever said that having piercings make one an Ah Lian? I believe that most females have piercings on their ears, too. However, what we did say and would like to emphasize is that Ah Lians misuse piercings to such an extent that is can be compared to self-mutilation. By just looking at these piercings, it does make one feel like regurgitating food. Worse still, imagine if one of these piercings get an infection and start rotting. Yuck!
And cigarettes in the toilet bowl means I smoke and all? I did write that those buds were in my toilet bowl because my a bunch of my friends came over. They smoke and they are guys.
So its your dearyxzx boyfriend bengs who were smoking! How old are they? I don’t think that they could be much older than you. Anyways, Lians like you would probably end up smoking someday. Oh yes, that reminds me. All of your sweet nothings like “Iye wantszx lievexz andxz dyie withzxs euus!” (Translation from the corrupted and appalling English: I want to live and die with you!) might very well be true when you get lung cancer.
For god's sake AALteam2, you guys have fans and all.
I am actually loving your blog until you didn't open your eyes to actually bother to read my blog:)
Not ahlians fyi :) . Please do read else you'll stink. One more thing, your blog is really getting boring:)
We are already replying, aren’t we? Anyways, you could have posted it here directly instead of posting it on your blog without letting any of us know. If I hadn’t did a Google search I wouldn’t have found out your blog and get a good laugh over it. And, who is the one who stinks the most? Especially with all the thick coat perfumes you use over yourselves, you should stink a hell lot more than us.
You should be someone who knows me or visit my blog often because I didn't write my age here. How do you know that I'm 14? Shocking.
Nah, I doubt any of us would know or want to know someone like you. Rather, I think that you added your age somewhere in your blog but forgotten that you did. After all, people like us do have such a high level of intelligence (duh!) to the point where finding out your age shouldn’t be such a big issue. Of course, with your pea-sized brain, I don’t think that you can figure out how we did it, even if you could live a million years.